Primary Schools
Bousfield Primary School
South Bolton Gardens London SW5 0DJ
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community school
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.49037064567412, -0.18597708396616922
St Cuthbert with St Matthias CofE Primary School
Warwick Road Earls Court, London SW5 9UE
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Voluntary aided school
- Church of England
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.48946464649323, -0.19370107232160919
Secondary Schools
23 Collingham Gardens London SW5 0HL
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Other independent school
- None
- 14 to 19 years
- Mixed
51.49221399953366, -0.1882500993083058
Snowflake School
46a Longridge Road London SW5 9SJ
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Other independent special school
- None
- 5 to 16 years
- Mixed
51.49350997504861, -0.19712271280166424
Wetherby Kensington School
4 Wetherby Gardens Kensington SW5 0JN
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Other independent school
- None
- 4 to 8 years
- Boys
51.49181108050271, -0.185920083966153