Primary Schools
Chiswick and Bedford Park Preparatory School
Priory House, Priory Avenue, Bedford Park, London, W4 1TX
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Independent
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.497066073220374, -0.25433117402039274
Belmont Primary School
Belmont Road, Chiswick, London, W4 5UL
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community school
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.49385990256037, -0.2630429888378102
St Mary's Catholic Primary School, Chiswick
Duke Road, Chiswick, London, W4 2DF
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Voluntary aided school
- Roman Catholic
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.48856922793078, -0.25742107878322057
The William Hogarth School
Duke Road, Chiswick, London, W4 2JR
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community school
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.48891661428978, -0.25660568724858546
Cavendish Primary
Edensor Rd, Chiswick, London W4 2RG
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.482086852475916, -0.2570938021103595
Grove Park Primary School
Nightingale Cl, Chiswick, London W4 3JN
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community school
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.48509521876496, -0.2715402269355614
Heathfield House School
Turnham Green Church Hall, Heathfield Gardens, Chiswick, London, W4 4JU
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Independent school
- None
- 4 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.49124136256476, -0.26823574545309276
Strand on the Green Junior School
Thames Road, Chiswick, London, W4 3NX
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Community school
- None
- 7 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.48827528355968, -0.28123909466332664
Orchard House School
2 Rupert Rd, Chiswick, London W4 1LX
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Independent prep school and nursery
- None
- 3 to 11 years
- Mixed
51.497199658770576, -0.25222832216788726
The Falcons Pre-Preparatory School
2 Burnaby Gardens, Chiswick, London W4 3DT
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Independent school
- None
- 2 to 7 years
- Boys
51.48830135403811, -0.27278477276818014
Secondary Schools
Chiswick School
Burlington Ln, Chiswick, London W4 3UN
- Type:
- Religious Character:
- Age range:
- Gender:
- Academy
- None
- 11 to 18 years
- Mixed
51.482410441067636, -0.25917867598671795